Saturday, August 20, 2016

The List: 16

You can read chapters 1-15 by clicking here.


Chapter 16

  I feel so weightless, almost as if I'm floating down below into a velvety underground of some sort.  I feel like I've been here all through the night, pondering on when I'm going to land.  Only, I'm not landing.  This confirms my suspicion that I am still dreaming.  I haven't even landed yet.  In most cases, I would have landed by now.
  Maybe I'm already dead, and I'm heading into the underworld.  Or maybe I slipped into another coma.  Either way, I'm gonna let it roll.

♪♫All through the night♪♫
♪♫♪They have forgotten what by day they lack♪♫♪
♫♪♫Oh under those white street lamps♫♪♫
♫♫♪♫There is a little chance they may see♫♪♫♫

  The song is playing in my head.  I just wish there was some kind of way I can wake up from all of this. What are the odds to have a dream within a dream?
  It looks like I'm finally landing.  I have no idea what this dream will bring.

To Be Continued...

Written by ©Diana Jillian

