Tuesday, January 5, 2021



Krispy Kreme donut burgers...or some call it the Luther burger!!!

Breaking Benjamin
Song: Feed The Wolf

Lyric: Carry me through this world alive
I feel no more, this suffering
Bury me in this cold lie
I feed the wolf, and shed my skin
(Lyrics provided by Amazon Music)

Do you ever feel like you never have alone time to yourself?

I was wanting to start the new story on here, but I might as well stuff my arteries with a Luther Burger. There's never really a time for me to do anything.

And it's like people have this radar around me. It takes me a while to focus and get into the zone to write. But once I start hitting the computer, everyone in this house feels the need to chill out in my room (It's the cleanest room in the house).

We're also sitting on our hands. I can feel the circulation fading and the pins and needles feeling kicking in. We're in waiting to find out if my husband keeps his job or loses it. Everything is a hot mess, and the kicker is his sister didn't even care. 

I know as a big sister, I would never do something like that to my brother. As old as we are, I still think of my brother as my baby brother. I cannot even fathom trying to hurt my baby brother like that. And to get a witness to fabricate the same lie??? That's just insane. I've been telling him (my husband) for months now to stay away from his sister.

I can also tell you his mother would be so sad about this if she were alive. She's been gone almost a year now. Very sad.

Moving on:

Anyway, I'm not here to bum you out.

I need to focus more. I don't know how. I get easily distracted.

Should I Stay or Go?

At work, every time I come back from my two day break, I always find I have more work to do. The lady that works two days seems to have so much say. I don't know why this is at all. I'm thinking about asking my new boss if I can work Monday through Friday. I like having Mondays and Tuesdays off, but I cannot deal with the drama. This person claims that I told her not to touch this and that around work. These are all excuses. I don't even work with this person. We don't even cross paths.

I guess bury me in this cold lie. I don't know why this one person wants to create chaos for me. She's on disability and cannot work full time. So, it doesn't make any sense to be such a dramatic troublemaker. I figure if I work Monday through Friday, I can have somewhat less drama. 

To be honest...

There will always be drama no matter where I am or how long I stay. People can be petty and jealous. Some people are just down right evil. I truly believe that the longer I'm alive in this world. Evil lies within the co-worker; with my husband's sister. I have a few more on that list, but I won't go there.

I really should be typing away. I want to focus on my writing more. Maybe I could if I were off on the weekends???

The part-time writer....ever heard of it?

Eh, I'll figure it out. I need to make a schedule...and then never look at it.


Topic: Tyler
Picture: Jessica

Picture Phrase Guesses:
(Two are already in blog)

1. Mystery
2. Clues
3. Reading and writing
4. Many ways to write
