Thursday, June 23, 2016

The List: Twelve

Sorry in advance..I have no guesses this week!

18.9 White Lightning
Mention a Salvador Dali work of art
The Persistence of Memory (1931)

Visions of Eternity (1936-1937)

Include having something to do with a wedding.

To Catch up:

Click here to catch up! :)

I'll post the link to the chapters here...So It's a link within a link. I'm a little tired this week!

Chapter Twelve

I've been pretty much sleeping for the past month.  I wouldn't exactly call it a coma as I was able to get up to use the bathroom, and eat, and shower; I was pretty much out of it for the duration of the month though.

The last thing I remember before falling asleep for a month was seeing Chase's face, which I believe it was a figment of my imagination.  Why would he have been there in New Orleans trying to help me?

He was the guy that referred me as the new wine, or new chick.  I can't recall right now.  I barely know the guy.  He also shied away when Cristi introduced me to her and Xander's group of friends.  He pretty much acted like I was the last person he wanted to see.  But that day, I know I saw him.

I had never seen eyes so green.  They were green and clear; almost like the ocean here on the Gulf.  His hair is a sandy-blonde color.  When you can see his eyes through his hair, you can see his green ocean eyes.  He also doesn't look very much like a hockey player.

He looks more like a surfer. Then again, all of Xander's hockey playing buddies look like they belong elsewhere.  There is one boy, Will, who looks like he's ready for the Marines.  He sports a crew cut, and he looks like he's ready for battle.  None of them make me feel the way I do when I'm around Xander though.

I know he's been here to the house while I was in and out of consciousness.  I know he knows my secret by now.  He can't be that clueless.  I'm sure Nora has said something to him.  I'm also sure he knows why I can never be in a relationship with him; we can only be friends.  If there is one thing I know after being unconscious for a month, I know I have to face my reality.

The truth is I'm seventeen and dying.  I thought I'd at least make it to eighteen, but it will be a miracle if I make it to new years the way I'm going.

I was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia when I was twelve years old.  My parents were so sure they would have found the cure by now because that's what they do.  They're scientists.  Not all scientists have the answers that are out there.  It still didn't stop my parents from trying.

They even went as far to find folklore to help me.  Believe it or not, but there are actual monsters out there that you know nothing about.  They take on human form; they blend into society, and you would never know the difference.  My parents tried to give me the blood of a creature before.  It's been said to have healing abilities.  Sadly, the blood didn't work, and I was rushed to a hospital to get it pumped out of me.

They also tried using Nora for help.  Nora studies witchcraft.  Her specialty is in hoodoo.  Even her potions aren't powerful enough.  But they've been enough for me to live as long as I have.  So far, I've been on clinical trials for over a year now.  Chemo stopped working on me.  While my hair is growing, it's not growing as fast as hair would for a normal person.

My hair does seem a bit longer these days.  Maybe I only think it's growing slow because I was practically bald a year ago.  I know hair takes time to grow; I become impatient sometimes.  I give myself a mental shake and decide to get out of bed, only to find a pair of hands on my arms, trying to help me up.

I look up and notice a pair of aqua eyes staring at me.  I break away from his stare, and motion to him that I'm okay to stand alone.

"Hi," Xander says

"Hi," I reply

I look out my window, and notice it's early daylight.  I look for my alarm clock and see it's seven-thirty in the morning.

"What day is it?"  I ask.


"Shouldn't you be in school?"

"I should," he begins.  "But I'm not."


"Before you go any further," he interrupts me.  "I wanted to be here because I had a feeling you would wake up today."

"Why would you say that?"

He gives a look that tells me if he says anything, he might think I'll think it's preposterous.  But I know different.  I would believe anything in this day and age.

"I figure we have a whole day to ourselves," he says ignoring my question.  "Is there anything local you hadn't put on your list you want to see?"

"How do you know about my list?"

"I've been visiting you every day for a month now.  It's kind of hard not to notice these things."

I look around the room for a bit.

"Besides," I look back towards him.  "Nora, Ame, and Cristi had mentioned something of it before."

"Then you know I'm dying, right?"  I want to make sure he knows.

"Yes," he responds.

"Then I don't understand why you would want to be here."

"Why wouldn't I want to be here?"

"Because you have all eternity, and I have maybe a month or so left in me."

"Eternity," he exclaims.  "Why would you say that?"

"Because you have a very long life ahead of you.  Both you and Cristi do."

"Then you know?"

I look down.  "Yes."


"My parents are scientists," I tell him.  "They would do anything to keep me alive.  If the reaper wants me, I can't stop him or her."

"Don't talk like that."

"It's the truth though.  I've been denying it for far too long now."  I look up at him.  "I just want to know one thing."

"What's that?"

"You and Cristi aren't the only ones, right?  There's more of you.  Am I right?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I heard from Ame that students have been missing.  Cristi seems like she struggles with what she is.  I don't think she's capable," I trail off.  "And you seem normal."

"We get blood bags," he says softly.  I can tell he's embarrassed about this.  I decide to change the subject.

"The Salvador Dali Museum in Tampa," I say.

"What?"  I can tell I've thrown him for a loop.

"You asked me if there was anything that wasn't on my list I would like to go to locally.  I have been wanting to go to the Salvador Dali Museum in Tampa."

"Well, then, that's where we'll go."

"I'll get dressed and have the car pulled up."

"No need," he says.

"Why's that?"

"You get dressed," he begins.  "And I'll make the driving arrangements."

"Alright," I answer.

He leaves the room, and I'm left alone to get dressed.  I know Smith won't let me off the hook that easy.  He has a mission to protect me until my dying breath.  My thoughts are interrupted as there's a knock on my door.

"Come in," I answer.

The door opens and it's Nora.  She comes over to hug me.

"I'm so glad you're awake," she says to me.  "I worked my magic, and here you are.  How are you feeling, child?"

"I feel surprisingly well," I answer.  "Wait.  Just what kind of magic did you do?"

"Oh, it was nothing much.  Just a little something to heal you for awhile."

"Just promise me that when I die, you won't try to bring me back."

"You are not going to die," she tries to assure me.  "You're young.  You'll live a long time."

"No," I respond.  "Just please," I beg.  "Promise me."

"I promise."  She gives me another hug and goes to leave the room.  "I made you breakfast before you leave."

I don't even get a chance to ask her anything else.  She walks out of my room and closes the door behind her.

I head over to my closet, and put an outfit together.  It often gets cold in museums, so I'll need to wear something that will keep me warm.  I pick out a pair of jeans and a pink t-shirt.  I have a long pink and white chevron-styled sweater I decide to wear as well.  I put on my socks and pink Converse, and I head over to my vanity dresser to work on my hair and makeup.  I head into the dining room for breakfast.
Breakfast was pretty much quiet, and now I'm sitting in Xander's car as we are on our way to the museum in Tampa.  I was surprised Xander managed to talk Smith into letting the two of us go alone, but for some reason, Smith trusts that Xander will help me if I need it.

I don't know why Xander has been around me all this time.  I've been trying to think if the roles were reversed, but I think I would probably do the same.  Then again, that's who I am in nature.  I wonder if I were an immortal creature, would my thoughts and feelings change?  That is something I will never learn the answer to.

I try to take my mind off all this morbid thinking by looking at Xander's playlist.  I notice the song, White Lightning and Wine is on there.

"You listen to Heart?"  I ask him.

"Yeah," he says.  "They're awesome.

"I had no idea you listen to old music like me."

"I listen to everything," he admits.

"Me too."

Our ride to Tampa's been pretty interesting so far.  We start noticing his playlist is playing a theme.  After White Lightning and Wine ends, The Thunder Rolls by Garth Brooks begins.

♪♫♫♪"Thunder rolls and the lightning strikes..."♪♫♪♫

We're getting a pretty good laugh out of it.  The song ends, and Thunderstruck by AC/DC comes on.  The song ends, and a new song comes on.  It finally has nothing to do with thunder or lightning.  The rest of the ride is all about the music and bands we like.  It turns out we have a lot more in common than I realized.

The museum is fascinating!  There are so many art pieces, it's hard to decide which one I like the best.  One that sticks out with me is a painting called The Persistence of Memory.  Maybe Dali had issues with time like I do now.  I observe it a little bit when another painting catches my eye.

I walk over to it and find it's called Visions of Eternity.  The painting looks warm and inviting.  It just looks peaceful.  The surrealism of the artwork is making me realize my own mortality, and every thought comes pouring into my brain again.

I feel a pair of hands rubbing up and down my shoulders.  I look up and see Xander with a look of worry on his face.

"What's wrong?"  He asks me.

"It just dawned on me," I find myself say.  I stare deeply into the painting.  "I'll be lucky if I live to see New Years.  I'll never make it to prom, and forget about my own wedding."  I stop speaking and look down at the ground.

"You'll live," he speaks.  "You'll live longer than you realize."

I give a faint smile.  "A month is the longest I've ever slept.  My body is starting to give out on me."  I turn around and look at him.  "Do you know what I never put on my list?"

"What's that?"

"I never put on there getting a boyfriend or falling in love.  I never put those things on my list because deep down, I knew.  And I didn't want to drag someone through my dramatic lifestyle, but here we are.  I've somehow managed to drag you in."

"But I want to be here."


"Because when you get a feeling inside that tells you someone is the right person for you, you do whatever you can to never let it go.  That is what I intend to do."

Before I can say any more, he leans in and kisses me.

Written 6/23/16 ©Diana Jillian




  1. Xander. He's such a sweetheart. I can tell she's falling for him but her situation won't let her. I hope she's wrong and does live a long life. It was brilliant how you were able to work in the challenges. Brilliant indeed! One would hardly notice.

    1. Thank you so much! :) I hope she winds up with him as well. There are still a few more obstacles in her way. Only time (and prompts) will tell.


  2. Wonderful storytelling. I love it!

