Here are the links from chapters 1-11 of The Empath...If you're pressure...
And now...
The Empath: Chapter 12
The freezing of time cannot stop
The strange ticking of the clock
To face alone on this dreary day
Whatever obstacles come her way
©DJ 12/01/15
Sunday June 21st, 1987
It's will be okay, they said. Just think of it as an experience of a lifetime, they said. Mary is pondering on why she's even thinking this. She can't even recall why she's thinking this, let alone, why she's sitting in a jail cell of some sort. If she didn't know any better, she could swear she's in a dungeon. But how? Mary thinks to herself. How did she even get there?
She gets up from the floor and tries to look around to get some recollection of what happened to her. Sadly as she looks around, she finds nothing to refresh her memory. If only she had some clue as to how she got locked up in a cell.
She takes a deep breath, goes to reach for her phone, when she notices she's wearing a black dress.
"What the?" She can't believe what she's wearing. She wears clothing like this, but usually she is wearing jean shorts underneath. She does this so she'll have pockets to carry her phone around.
Where did I put my whatchamacallit? She thinks to herself. She suddenly notices part of her dress on one side is a bit heavier than the other side. She feels around and notices her dress has a hidden pocket. She finally pulls out her phone, but there is also no service.
Great, she sighs. For a moment, she thought she could call her best friend, Toko, but that's impossible now. Tomoko is the only friend she knows. Sure Mary is popular in school; it doesn't mean she trusts those people. She senses that they're fake; that when push comes to shove, her 'friends' will not be there for her.
"Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends," Toko once said to her. "But I will always be there for you," she continued. "All you have to do is think of me, and I'll be there."
Mary wishes something like that was true. Unfortunately for Mary, she doesn't believe in magic. She puts her thoughts away of her friend Toko, and tries to focus on getting out.
She places her hands on the bars when she notices a beam of light is shooting from her hands. In an instant, the door cell is open. She would freak out right about now, but she feels she doesn't have time to do so.
She leaves the cell and starts looking for a way out. She reaches the end of the corridor where she spies three windows. From the looks of it, each scenery looks different.
One window to the right looks like nighttime, and the one to the left looks like daylight. The one in the middle looks completely different.
Suddenly, Mary hears footsteps approaching. Feeling she has no choice, she enters through the window in the middle. She enters into the window that has no scenery; the window is completely black. It's also the window she happens to be closest to.

Chartreuse's plan worked just as she hoped. She knew that if Mary--which she thinks her name is Margaret in this timeline--went through the black hole, she would experience the pain that Chartreuse has felt for a long time.
Losing the man of her dreams--to her sister, of all people--was something Chartreuse could never recover from. And then to top it all off, she stumbled upon the three windows one day, and discovered the one in the middle--the pitch black one--was a deep void.
She herself had entered into the realm of darkness. She lived--for what she felt like an eternity--dealing with nothing but blackness and evil. She had to get back to her time. She had already gotten rid of her sister, Penny, there was nothing stopping her from getting Kane now. For they belong together. At least that's the logic Chartreuse tells herself.
That void kept her in the dark for ten years. By the time she got out, she had to figure out how to get back to her time. She needed to be closer to Kane. The last thing she expected was her twin sister, Charlene, protecting this Margaret girl.
She will meet a fate worse than mine, she thought to herself. Justice will finally be served.
"I want to know have you ever seen the rain falling down on a sunny day?" The lyrics to a CCR song are singing in Mary's ears. She quickly opens her eyes and notices she's in her bedroom. She sits herself up, pulls her headphones off her ears, and looks around the room.
How did I get here? Mary thinks to herself. The last thing she remembers is entering through a black vortex of some sort.
Maybe it was all a dream after all, she thinks to herself. She shrugs it off, rolls out of bed, and decides to shower. After her shower, she puts her clothing and makeup on, and she heads outside. She needs to go for a walk for some reason; she doesn't quite know the reason just yet.
When she walks out the door, she notices a tree. As she looks up at the very tall tree, she notices the sky is a beautiful combination of azure and cerulean. As she looks back down, she notices a young man is standing in front of her. She doesn't know who he is.
"We need to go," he says.
"Go?" She asks in confusion. She takes a step back. "Go where? Who are you?"
The memory erasing spell, Jeremiah thinks to himself. He starts contemplating with what he was told earlier. This can't be possible, but I'll try anything. "Listen to your heart," he remembers Mallory telling him just before he left to look for Mary.
He walks closer to Mary and places his hands on her shoulders. He leans in and kisses her.
In to the Mystic she goes. Nice segment.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I did a rush job so I wouldn't have to turn this in late...again. :)
Fantastic!! I'm curious now as to where she went to. Good job!! -Leta :)
ReplyDeleteI'm quite curious myself lol. Thanks for reading. :)
Deletewonderful weaving of a mystery, waiting with baited breath for next episode
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! :)
Ah, I like a good mystery...and so I am on the edge of my seat wondering what happens next! This is a great series, I must say. 8 points, Earthling!
ReplyDelete- Marvin Martian
Thank you, Marvin. I guess the rush ones are the better ones lol.
I guess she decided to stay away from the light, but no scenery? I can't wait to find out...
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Not sure I'd enter the completely black window even if it was closest..... but that's me. Wishing Mary luck
ReplyDeleteI was in a haste. Only time will tell where my character goes. :)
I love it! Wonderful storytelling.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! :)
Into the dark where all things are possible and maybe you can create your own scenery and a door to escape by..I will just have to wait won't I..Great tale
You are so clever! I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one that thinks this way!!!! :)