Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Empath: 13





In the vast of the unknown
Lies some stories untold
One you'd think made up
But then the story unfolds

And if you look deep
You will soon see
The truth that shows
What is meant to be

12/5/15 ©Diana Jillian

Date:  Irrelevant (In an unknown realm)

Mary finds herself welcoming the kiss.  She feels as though she's riding on a roller coaster.  The part of the roller coaster where you're going down; butterflies are swirling around in her tummy.  That's how roller coasters make you feel.  They make you anxious as you go up, and they make you flutter as you go down.  The only true time you can truly breathe is when the ride is finally over.  It gives you time to reflect on whether or not you've enjoyed the ride.

In Mary's case, she's enjoying the ride, or at least her emotions are.  She likes to use her brain more than her heart.  That floating feeling is now coming in for a landing.  It's all starting to crash down.  Why is she kissing this person?  She doesn't even know him.  This is all too strange for her.  Perhaps this is a dream after all.

We watch our sweet dreams fly, she hears the Harry Chapin song Dreams Go By playing in her ears.  It must be a sign I'm dreaming, she thinks.  She didn't even remember putting her headphones on, let alone having a Harry Chapin song playing in her MP3 player.

Within seconds, Mary opens her eyes, and pushes her kissing stranger away.  Perhaps she's pushed him too far.  He has fallen by the tree, and appears to be knocked out.

Jeremiah was forewarned by Mallory--Mary's mom--that Mary might not remember right away, but a leap of faith needed to be made.

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy," Mallory told him.  "We need to get out of this manifested world."

"And what if it doesn't work?"  Jeremiah asked.  "What if she never remembers?"

"That's where the leap of faith comes in," she reminded him.  "Besides, it's our only hope."

Jeremiah nodded silently.  He had never been known to have felt defeated except for the one time before he turned into a vampire.

"And remember," she spoke again, interrupting his reverie.  "True love's kiss is not like the fairy tales.  It could take minutes or hours for a spell to break.

He left her and manifested himself to where Mary was at.  He took that leap of faith.

Mary looks at the unconscious young man lying under the tree.  She doesn't understand why she's tearing up over pushing him off of her.  And out of nowhere it all comes back to her.

It was like her life was being lived in black and white until this boy came along, splashing color into her world.  She remembers how they got onto the island.  She remembers meeting the all powerful Chartreuse--who happens to be Penny's sister and Mary's great-aunt--And she remembers Chartreuse casting a memory-erasing spell on her.

It never erased all of her memories; it only erased her memories of the past six months.  Memories of Jeremiah were gone.  The only boy that Mary ever liked.  She couldn't feel his emotions like she could with everyone else, and that's what attracted her to him.  But it was more than that.

While she couldn't feel his emotions, she always knew he was real.  He was sincere.  Whether you have powers or not, instinct never goes away.

She realizes what she has done.  She has hurt the only boy she's ever liked, and perhaps she's in love with him.

Tears start streaming down her cheeks as she runs over to him under the tree.  She kneels down beside him, gently lifts his head, and cradles his backside over her legs.

"Jeremiah," she sobs.  "I am so sorry.  I never meant to hurt you."  She leans down to kiss him on his forehead.

"It's going to take a lot more than pushing me into a tree to hurt me," he responds.  He sits himself up and faces her.

"I really am sorry," she says.

He takes his hand and wipes the tears from her face.  "Don't be," he replies.  "I guess it's true when they say, 'love hurts.'"

She gives a little laugh.  Jeremiah always knew how to make her laugh.

"I suppose we should get going," he says.

Mary looks around her.  She notices how the sky is always changing different shades of blue.  They shift from periwinkle to an almost amethyst color, and then from a denim color, to a pale blue color.  She looks back at Jeremiah.

"We're in a manifestation world, aren't we?"  She asks.

He nods.

"Then we have time," she smiles.  "Can we stay here a bit longer?"

"As long as you promise not to hurt me," Jeremiah gives a laugh.

She laughs and looks away from him.  She turns to say something to him, but his lips have already met with hers.  She wraps her arms around him.


Written by ©Diana Jillian


  1. Oh what a delightful roller coaster ride! Love can kind of be like that, with its ups and downs. As they say, no pain, no gain! 8 points, Earthling! OH.... and FIRST! ;)

    - Marvin Martian

  2. the roller coaster of love , ups and downs and all around, great story

  3. Wonderful storytelling. I love it! So very talented.

  4. Now I'm humming "Cruel to be Kind" - that's not a bad thing

  5. I love Jeremiah. I'm glad that she remembered him. I'm glad they're together again. I can't wait to read what's next. Huggs!!! -Leta

    1. In my mind, this is a total cheese fest. LOL. Thanks for the good vibes! :)


  6. A delightful instalment! Such a pleasure to read.

  7. Alls well that ends well..Enjoyed your story these past weeks

    1. Thanks. I still haven't wrapped it up quite yet. I'm almost there.


