Bending the Rules (???? Yeah, no idea who came up with the title)
Quote Steve Prefontaine (Jay)
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."
Incorporate a Blink-182 lyric in your blog (Irene)
"The angel from my nightmare"
Song: I Miss You
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Source: Gizmodo |
To Catch Up:
Chapter 1 Chapter 6
Chapter 2 Chapter 7
Chapter 3 Chapter 8
Chapter 4 Chapter 9
Chapter 5 Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Nora was right about her sister not wanting to keep the visitation for long. We wound up taking the private plane from Saint Louis to New Orleans. I was welcomed into Nora's family with open arms. It had been awhile since I had seen them.
Nora's parents wanted me to stay, but I knew Nora wanted some alone time with them, so Smith and I set out down the streets, and now I'm in a book store with a coffee shop. I decide while I have the time, I should probably try to get ahead on my school work. I should be doing that, but instead, I'm starting over.
My computer somehow shut down in a way, I have to reboot the whole system. It's going to take some time before it starts back up, and so I decide to look around for a book to read. I stop by a book called The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler. I remember watching the Noir film before, but never got the chance to read the book. I decide to take the book to read it.
I head to the register to pay for the book, and I sit back down by my computer. An hour later and half way through my book, I notice my computer is making a beeping noise. I quickly mark the page I'm on with a bookmark and I plug my headphones into the laptop so I don't disturb the customers in here. I look up from my little world and notice Smith is nowhere to be found.
I give a shrug and put my headphones on. Chances are he's probably in the bathroom. I put on my playlist and head to the school's forum to get my assignments. I miss you by Blink-182 starts playing as I get a message.
It's from someone named AX_Turns0204. I have a feeling I know who it is. I have two options: I could either answer it and engage in conversation, or I could ignore it and risk this person to keep on contacting me. For some reason, I choose option A. I open the text:
AX_Turn0204: Hey, Kalura! It's me, Xander.
KR_Wise0717: Hello Xander.
AX_Turn0204: What's the R stand for?
KR_Wise0717: Rain.
AX_Turn0204: Oh.
I get another chime just as I was ready to x out of the website. I figure I'll do my homework another time.
AX_Turn0204: So, how come you're in New Orleans?
I gasp. I was meaning to text Cristi and Ame about my plans for Saint. Louis, however I never got around to texting them, and I never even mentioned New Orleans. Once we got on the plane, I kind of fell asleep. I didn't wake up until we arrived in Saint Louis and by then, it completely slipped my mind. Until now.
AX_Turn0204: Cristi told me. She was trying to get a hold of you, and when she couldn't, she got a hold of your cousin. And when your cousin couldn't get a hold of you, she called your nanny, Nora. I didn't know Ame is your cousin.
I look away from my computer and grab my phone out of my bag. Sure enough, both Cristi and Ame were trying to call me. I look some more and see I have a text message from a nine-four-one number.
KR_Wise0717: Did you try to send me a text?
AX_Turn0204: No. I don't have your number.
I decide to change the subject.
KR_Wise0717: Nora had a family emergency. I decided to go with her.
AX_Turn0204: And miss the homecoming dance.
KR_Wise0717: There will be other dances.
AX_Turn0204: I was going to ask you to the dance.
KR_Wise0717: I was planning on going solo.
AX_Wise0717: I was at least hoping you would have said yes.
KR_Wise0717: You don't even know me though.
I don't even know why I just wrote that. In all fairness, it is the truth.
AX_Turn0204: But I'd like to get to know you.
I don't want to get into an argument with someone I barely know. I've been going to school now for over a month, and yet he's barely said two words to me since I've been in school. I get those odd stares and that's about it.
I hear another bleep in my ears. I read on.
AX_Turn0204: Haven't you been receiving my letters?
KR_Wise0717: You mean to tell me that was you who was sending me all those cryptic notes?
AX_Turn0204: I highly doubt asking you to meet me at a coffee shop and signing my name is cryptic.
KR_Wise0717: So you mean to tell me you weren't the one sending me a note telling me what's on your list, and then placing them in my backpack?
AX_Turn0204: Nope. I've been putting them in your locker. Number 214.
KR_Wise0717: My locker number is 215.
There is enough silence on the other end. There's so much, I can't help but to laugh. At least I know it wasn't Xander who has been sending me those cryptic notes. Although if it's not him, I wonder if I need to worry about having a real stalker on my hands.
I give myself a mental shake. I have to cut right to the chase. I start typing.
KR_Wise0717: Xander. We can never happen.
AX_Turn0204: Why not?
KR_Wise0717: There are personal reasons that I should tell in person rather than over a school chat room.
AX_Turn0204: Okay then. I'll wait. When do you get back?
KR_Wise0717: Sometime next week.
I shut off the computer before Xander can ask me anything else. I unplug my headphones from the computer and I put on my iPod, which surprisingly enough, I Miss You is playing again. I put my computer in my bag as the intro plays, and I stand up to look for Smith.
I think I stood up too fast because I'm feeling a bit faint. I try to shrug it off as best as possible and continue looking throughout the store for Smith. It's important that I remain persistent, and it's important to ignore the faint feeling.
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." I have to give my best at all times. I think today might be a good day to bend the rules for myself a bit. My head is spinning so fast.
♪♫♪♫Hello there. The angel from my nightmare...♪♫♪♫
I feel like I'm on a wobbly bridge and I can't seem to balance. It's like someone is jumping up and down, and I'm getting more nauseous by the minute. I can feel myself collapsing but someone catches me. I look up to expect Smith catching me, but it's not.
It's Chase, Xander's friend. I must really be hallucinating.
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